2010年3月31日 星期三

宵夜 1

我雖要承認, 我係痴線0既, 只有一個痴線0既人先會訂 1kg porcini, 會一d都唔肚餓都要半夜煮個飯, 同埋覺得煮飯係應該飽肚做0既活動

買了一大包 Porconi, 為了分給其他人, 把包裝開了. 一整天的心思就被這氣味像鉤一般, 努力想像不同的食譜. 但回到家已半夜, 只好速速煮一個, 白酒芝士磨菇意大利飯配火箭菜

做法都係爆下洋蔥同菇, set aside. 用自家制濃菜湯, 浸菇水, 白酒煮淋意大利飯, 差不多時將d菇加 Parmesan cheese power (支 Bamix 終於有用啦), 上得碟

其實煮食我會用d最平0既酒, 用多過 $50 支0既酒煮飯係侮辱0左支酒, 同自已個銀包, 用唔晒可以放到雪櫃, 我放一到兩個月都會照用

最後, 下次要用 ring, 等佢整齊d先

號外: 阿魚同28cm 總於成為一對啦

4 則留言:

  1. 嘩~~壞媽媽, 碟飯好靚靚呀!

    關於酒, 我budget係100-150蚊. 因為既然D料咁靚又唔平, 我又唔想俾支50樓下嘅糟蹋.

  2. 哼, 洗乜講

    我唔飲酒, 我呢餐買咗支$15 100ml 個d, 用咗半支. 同埋我份人慳家

  3. 魚腸媽,i love ur risotto!! u know, i was trying so hard to find risotto last wkend..somehow it was either sold out or they dont have it anymore...I went Citysuper..Taste...Jusco.all said sold out..ai..i was supposed to make my risotto yesterday ..u know, i think hk grocery people always confused with risotto..because they told me it is the same as basmati..i told them NOOO...it is for indian, then they said maybe if i can use japanese rice..(i'm like....) so forget it..i rather go home cook something else and wait till i have time to try Great or Il Bese..if u know where i can find a simple bag of risotto (no seasonings in the pack), thanks to share with me.

  4. I order all my Italian food from here -> http://www.ciboamante.hk/

    Or you can go to Oliver in prince building, they have good collection of risotto. And if you plan to cook on public holiday, my experience is you have to get most items 2 days before holiday start or go there to reserve what you want IN PERSON. You will find citysuper will be loaded with shoppers the day before holiday, crazy
